From Web Component to Lit Elements

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3. Define A Custom Element

Custom Elements

Web Components are a collection of 4 native web APIs. They are:

You've already used the ES modules specification, which allows you to create javascript modules with imports and exports that are loaded into the page with <script type="module">

Defining a Custom Element Code Checkpoint

Code Checkpoint

The Custom Elements specification lets users define their own HTML elements using JavaScript. The names must contain a hyphen ( - ) to differentiate them from native browser elements. Clear the index.js file and define a custom element class:


class RatingElement extends HTMLElement {}

customElements.define('rating-element', RatingElement);

A custom element is defined by associating a class that extends HTMLElement with a hyphenated tag name. The call to customElements.define tells the browser to associate the class RatingElement with the tagName ‘rating-element'. This means that every element in your document with the name <rating-element> will be associated with this class.

Place a <rating-element> in the document body and see what renders.





Now, looking at the output, you'll see that nothing has rendered. This is expected, because you haven't told the browser how to render <rating-element>. You can confirm that the Custom Element definition has succeeded by selecting the <rating-element> in Chrome Dev Tools' element selector and, in the console, calling:


Which should output:

class RatingElement extends HTMLElement {}

Custom Element Lifecycle

Custom Elements come with a set of lifecycle hooks. They are:

The constructor is called when the element is first created: for example, by calling
document.createElement(‘rating-element') or new RatingElement(). The constructor is a good place to set up your element, but it is typically considered bad practice to do DOM manipulations in the constructor for element "boot-up" performance reasons.

The connectedCallback is called when the custom element is attached to the DOM. This is typically where initial DOM manipulations happen.

The disconnectedCallback is called after the custom element is removed from the DOM.

The attributeChangedCallback(attrName, oldValue, newValue) is called when any of the user-specified attributes change.

The adoptedCallback is called when the custom element is adopted from another documentFragment into the main document via adoptNode such as in HTMLTemplateElement.

Render DOM

Now, return to the custom element and associate some DOM with it. Set the element's content when it gets attached to the DOM:


class RatingElement extends HTMLElement {

  constructor() {


    this.rating = 0;


  connectedCallback() {

    this.innerHTML = `

      Internal Content





customElements.define('rating-element', RatingElement);

In the constructor, you store an instance property called rating on the element. In the connectedCallback, you add DOM children to <rating-element> to display the current rating, together with thumbs up and thumbs down buttons.